Our Services
We are innovative

Land Development
The core business for any Construction Company is in development and conversion of convertible Land from its natural form to a habitable one.
With in-depth research and understanding gathered over years of successful operations, decisions pertaining to the nature of development apt for the lands are taken and executed viz; Residential, Retail, Commercial. Mixed Development or Services related.
As Land Banks become our basic raw material, so to speak, the quest to identify & own land is a continuous process.
Redevelopment of Co-Op Societies
Given the paucity of vacant & clear land Redevelopment of Existing Societies have come to constitute the primary source of constructible land in the metropolis and a win-win proposition to all.
Its only prudent that existing building that are aging and/or structurally weak requiring exorbitant and in most cases non-affordable Repair costs and for Societies whose structure may not necessarily be so weak but strategically located take to Redevelopment and choose a Developer wisely. Gains in Redevelopment accrue in the form of larger units, Monies, Better Planned new units & buildings, Amenities etc. and all of this being within the ambit of existing regulations.
These could be Co-operative Societies who own their own lands or on lands owned by Govt. Agencies like MHADA, Govt. of Maharashtra, MCGM etc.
We distinguish ourselves by ensuring seamless passage without any palpitations, by keeping all involved engaged through out the entire redevelopment process in full realization how dear and irreplaceable the existing asset is to the individual members & families not only for their very security & existence but even from the perspective of passing on the same to next generation.
With a hands-on approach and our established objective of Customer Delight & Satisfaction, we have shaped excellent redevelopment structures very successfully.

Redevelopment of Slums
With a sizeable chunk of the Metropolis population dwelling in Slums, the Govt. of Maharashtra has taken pro-active steps to eradicate slums and elevate the poor free of cost, from their present unfortunate and unhygienic living conditions to a well planned and structured unit.
Slum Rehabilitation Authority – An Autonomous body was thus set up by the State and launched a comprehensive slum rehabilitation scheme where the cost of rehabilitating the slum dweller free of cost is cross subsidized by allowing incentive to the Developers in the form of additional constructible area which can be sold in the open market. Even if this sounds like a welfare scheme, this innovativeness concept of the State is such that not only the land resource is put to optimum use it also ensures all stakeholders come out winning – Slum Dwellers, State and the Developer.
In our quest to participate in this novel welfare scheme, we have acquired slum clusters located in prime area of Central Mumbai with one such cluster in very advanced stages of approval encompassing rehabilitation of about 2500 slum dwellers and total construction in excess of 3.5 million sq. ft.
Project Management Consulting
(Developer Redevelopment/Self Redevelopment)
This being a natural vertical to our Business has been set up with a dedicated Team and all required Strategic tie-ups in place.
Redevelopment projects that fructify are the ones that have selected the right Developer with reasonable and possible expectations by Society and its member or with financial closure and broader consent of members for Self Redevelopment.
From providing Feasibility Study, Tendering, Selection of the right Developer, Legal Assistance, Planning, Verification and Security of the Society/Members rewards, Technical Construction evaluations, compliance to all regulations, authenticate all certifications etc. for Redevelopment and Financial Assistance, Technical & Commercial Acumen and marketing ability for Self-Redevelopment constitute the broad knowledge required for successful completion of any form of redevelopment endeavor, hence the PMC becomes a very vital cog.
We distinguish ourselves through our comprehensive knowledge and experience of having executed Redevelopment projects including construction making us a one-point complete solution provider, hence an ideal ally.

Built to Suit Facilities
Having executed all kinds of projects as a group, Residential, Commercial, Warehousing & Logistics, Govt. Contracts, IT Parks etc, we become ideal partners to execute Built to Suit units especially for organization’s involved in Education, Hospitality, Medical, Logistics Park & other sectors.
Armed with our operational resources we could provide solutions commensurate to the organizational objective of the client in terms of Land acquisition, Location, Size, Type of Building, statutory compliances and Liaison with all regulatory bodies for permissions etc.
Cost effective solutions in the form of Sale, Sale – Lease Back or Long Lease is always mutually workable.